The 25 Tuning Lessons

Lesson 1: Making a Good Start
Lesson 2: The Other Masters of the Piano
Lesson 3: The Piano - A Brief History
Lesson 4: Basic Designs of Pianos
Lesson 5: The Environment and the Piano
Lesson 6: Basic Music Theory
Lesson 7: The Nature of Sound
Lesson 8: Introduction to Tuning
Lesson 9: Unisons and Octaves
Lesson 10: Fifths and Fourths
Lesson 11: Closed Group Intervals
Lesson 12: The Major Third
Lesson 13: Tuning Chromatic Thirds
Lesson 14: The Major Sixth
Lesson 15: Tuning Contiguous Thirds
Lesson 16: Aural Gauge Tools Part I
Lesson 17: Aural Gauge Tools Part II
Lesson 18: The minor third
Lesson 19: Aural Gauge Tools Part III
Lesson 20: The Fifth Dimension Tool
Lesson 21: The Sixth Dimension Tool
Lesson 22: Equal Temperament
Lesson 23: Tuning Below the Temperament
Lesson 24: Tuning Above the Temperament
Lesson 25: Dynamic Unisons

Lessons TL1 through TL6 cover the information needed to pass the PTG Technical Exam.

Lesson TL1: Introduction to the Grand Piano
Lesson TL2: Introduction to the Vertical Piano
Lesson TL3: Action Geometry
Lesson TL4: Regulating the Grand Action Model
Lesson TL5: Regulating the Vertical Action Model
Lesson TL6: General Repairs